The Wildcat Hills. (Don’t believe what they tell you: Nebraska ain’t all flat.)
I’ve been thinking a lot about Nebraska recently. It’s coming up to 25 years since I borrowed a bike and rode across the state from east to west, and on that entire trip I never took a single photo. I was travelling light.
I’m planning to re-visit my favourite haunts next year and collect images of the many places that still live with me. In the lead-up, I’ll be publishing a few of my favourite pictures from the other 15 or 16 visits I’ve made to the Cornhusker state. Or is it 17? I have a list somewhere….
Don’t forget to check out my e-book The Red House On The Niobrara on amazon kindle http://amzn.to/Jck324 in the USA or… http://amzn.to/JXb4ri for the UK